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What Is The Difference Of Acceptance And Agreement

  • October 15, 2021

People will surpass us, get tired of us or never understand us, but I always hope they will never leave us because they have bounced back from our indifference or rejection. Thank you, Angelika, for sharing your thoughts and clarifying this for so many readers! For another example that brings home Angelika`s points on acceptance, you can read my daughter Betsy`s article “I love my body (seriously!)”. I think becoming a true perfectionist means a lot of accepting life in a way that we can see the specific meaning we assign to everything and validate it before moving on to problem solving. This is the goal of all your work and why it is so unique. For me, this is not an easy change, and I feel like it`s a lifelong learning process. And I have a strong feeling that the same goes for my daughters and that we have something to work on together. I hope I`m not wrong, but I think people can make mutually respectful friendships without demanding absolute agreement on all matters (most marriages seem to work that way!). There is a difference between acceptance and agreement. If there is an acceptance, a necessary agreement can be reached. Ultimately, mutually respectful diversity offers us the most opportunities to grow, love, and learn. Moreover, Jesus allows us to heal our wounds and make us one, just as the healer and the Father are one, which is much more satisfying than anything the forces promise. .