This proactive initiative aims to prevent injuries and illnesses by maintaining safe and healthy employment and to help injured workers return to a productive and safe work environment. The programme, based on industry best practices and scientific research, ensures that a support system is in place that allows staff to return to the workplace after a work-related or non-work-related injury or illness. Studies show that employees recover faster and more successfully by returning to productive and safe tasks as soon as possible. Other benefits of RTW programmes include the hiring of healthy and qualified staff and the reduction of replacement staff and damage costs. The Ontario Nurses` Association negotiates your wages, benefits and working conditions on your behalf. Get to your contract at the bottom: NIAGARA, ON: Workplace injuries and illnesses cost billions of dollars each year with more than 250,000 workplace injuries across Ontario. This represented approximately $10 million in 2011 for the Niagara Health System. In this context, the Niagara Health System (NHS), in partnership with its local unions, the Ontario Nurses` Association (ONA), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Ontario Public Service Employees Unions (OPSEU) are pleased to announce the implementation of a new return-to-work (RTW) and primary prevention program. In preparation for the launch of the programme, an RTW committee was set up and a team of more than 40 RTW coordinators participated in five days of intensive training. Coordinators, including front-line staff, union representatives and managers, learned about a wide range of topics, including disability prevention strategies, back-to-work laws and accommodation principles.
“We now have an army that helps employees get back to work,” says Chris Cecchini, Regional Director, Industrial Relations, Human Resources. “These people are also trained in prevention strategies to prevent injuries and illnesses in the workplace as much as possible.” Download the agreement on the presentation of care homes (French) (end 30 June 2021) Here, from January 2012, all NHS employees will be informed of the programme through a series of in-services and videos. The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board has collected baseline data to track the results of the programme, in the hope that the expected results can be shared with other organisations. “The ONA and the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) came to us at first with the idea, and we liked it so much that our other unions, SEIU and OPSEU, quickly joined us,” says Terry McMahon, Vice President human resources, NHS. . . .